Thursday, May 10, 2007

Easy Does it....Ebb...and...Flow....

"To Flood or Not to Flood"
only the Lord knows for sure!
We are definitely praying about the
for the next few weeks
and ...... flow......

This is one of many dykes
throughout the Fraser Valley.
The question is,

"will the water reach our house, since
we are on the flood plain?"
Last night we went to a community flood meeting,
people were streaming into the school gym
which soon became flooded with citizens,
overflowing into the parking lot!
Good News!
The chances of us seeing water at our doorstep is very
slim since we are on the very edge of the flood plain.

The dogs aren't worried about a flood!

In fact they are checking out their messages,
left by friends via peemail.

News Flash!
Today the city returned my call, our house is sitting
at 10 meters of elevation.
Yeaaah, that means that we qualify for "sandbags".
If the flood waters go past 6 meters high upriver,
then we can phone the city and they will
dump us a load of sand & bags!

Let's change the subject and look at some design in dyke
This hay field was recently mowed and prepared for the
next crop via the "honey wagon". Notice the cool stripes
that lead your eyes to the open barn door.

I like these green hay stripes too!

So what's a "honey wagon"?

If you look carefully you can see a spray of brown
liquid that makes the crops grow, but plug your nose.

News Flash!!!!
As of June 6th,
they think that the dykes
will not be breached !
Only those living along the
Fraser River outside of the dyke
are in present danger
of being flooded!
Peak flood time is
June 7-10th.

I've been asked to join
the provincial
Emergency Social Services,
which means dealing with
the evacuated families.
This should be interesting
if I get called!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Thanks to our Staff

Many thanks to our staff,
for the Christmas present of a
weekend away
at a cabin on Little Shuswap Lake.

Peaceful, great weather for hiking,
cool enough to enjoy a
and it only rained once for about 30 min.

We explored this trail which led
to a
gorgeous gorge.
The dogs stood way too close to
the edge for the health of my heart!

We also explored forks in the trails,
that sometimes led no where.
In the above photo
Jordan River
is our acting
he usually went first,
the great
HUNTER that he is.
Rene was in hand!

Linda was next,
followed by
Rear Guard
(are we there yet!)
It seems that on every hike there is

treasure to be found!
This hike was to be no different.

our Rear Guard
disappeared into the trees....

as we backtracked our steps we found...
him rolling around on top of something...

...two Bambi legs....
not to be out done by an older brother,
Jordan scouted out a single Bambi leg 20 feet away...

...of course not to be out done by weiner dogs,
found the last Bambi leg further down the trail
...but he chose not to take the scent home
with him on his clothes...

Raphael had forgotten that dead
animal scents don't cut it in the house...

Some of Rene's photo images.